editor’s note

This month was so beautifully intense! I let go of a home, so it could become someone else’s home; I spent time with truly incredible people and discovered places that felt so pure. I got to experience so intense feelings. I wondered, how can my constant mental & emotional endoscopy be shared with humanity, so we can create a cloud of collective empathy that supports our growth as a species? I don’t have a fully formed answer yet, but maybe social media can be a method of experimentation. I want to try it out as a tool for sharing more intimate truths. Life is not always polished, and I feel it’s time for us to learn that this is not an ugly aspect. It is an uncomfortable aspect, simply because we don’t talk about it enough. So, stay tuned and for the time being enjoy some Sunday edits. Sunday is my favourite day, after all.



internal literature

keeping sensualism intact, liberalvirtue

external literature

The meaning to life? A Darwinian existentialist has his answers

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