keeping sensualism intact

As we enter the second round of social hibernation with lockdown Vol. 2, human connection feels already a soon-to-be-extinct, faded memory. Being a touchy-feely person, during lockdown Vol. 1, I experienced severe withdrawal syndrome due to lack of basic human touch: I missed skin to skin, smelling, holding and kissing my dear ones to the point of anxiety attacks and physical restlessness. Naturally, I am very concerned about the ostracism of intimacy, especially during these times, as well as the corona aftermath and its longterm impact on social interactions.

Since I like experiments a lot, I am trying to remain inventful on how to face this and other challenges and overcome my discomfort. Observation is the first step of any notable experiment, so, instead of freaking out about what is missing, let’s shift our focus on what is here to be gained. In a room, field, or mind where the only person is you, there is a great opportunity to cultivate the relationship with this only person that no matter what, will always be with you: yourself.

Introducing regular sessions of self-exploration on an inner and flesh level, has a strong effect on peacefulness, sense of alignment, self-appreciation, and connection with your habitat. All this process of self-love, intensifies sensualism which is unavoidably redefined as time shifts gravity, rooting as deeply as ever in the feel of the moment while aligning mind, body and soul.

In a world which sells low-budget sex, look for invaluable sensualism. Rare, raw, synthetic, authentic, intoxicating, intrinsic sensualism. It’s free, it’s everywhere, it’s within you. It’s in the flower you didn’t smell, in the wind you didn’t hear whisper, in the sacred geometry you never took the time to appreciate, in the sunlight you didn’t feel stroking your eyelids.

During this lockdown, pay attention to the sensualism of life within you and around you, get acquainted with its abundant presence and nurture. Do you see it? I would love to know your take on it and its forms.



internal literature

editor’s note, liberalvirtue

external literature

A sense of Chuck, Aeon

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